Democratic Policy against the Dominance of Markets Proposals for an Integrated Development Strategy in Europe


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Izenburua (dcterms:title)
eng Democratic Policy against the Dominance of Markets
Proposals for an Integrated Development Strategy in Europe
spa Por una política democrática frente al dominio de los mercados
Propuestas para una estrategia integrada de desarrollo en Europa
Deskripzioa (dcterms:description)
This Memorandum was formulated on the basis of discussions at the 11th workshop of the working group "European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy” (Euro Memorandum Group) on September 23-25, 2005 in Brussels.

The text is available in English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Spanish.

1 Economic and social developments in the EU
1.1 Failure of the Lisbon strategy - Macroeconomic developments
1.2 Rising inequality, persistent risk of poverty - Social developments
2 The "period of reflection” - for public persuasion or for a change in policy?

3 Neo-liberal continuity instead of correction - Critique of economic and social policy
3.1 Narrowing the perspective - Back to the core of neo-liberalism
3.2 Curtailed ambitions - The review of the Lisbon Agenda
3.3 Subordinated and without social control - European social policies
3.4 Missing the challenge - Energy policy
3.5 Inefficient and risky for welfare - Privatisation policy
3.6 Counterproductive plans for further decline - The EU Budget
3.7 Too liberal - Trade policy

4 Towards an integrated European development strategy - Proposals for alternatives
4.1 Broadening the perspective - Dimensions of the European Social Model
4.2 Macroeconomic policy for sustainable growth and full employment
4.3 Anti-poverty policy and minimum standards - Social policy recommendations
4.4 Steps towards a non fossil energy regime - Environmental policy
4.5 A stronger budget with more equitable financing - Financial perspectives for the EU

Soucer: EuroMemo
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Kolaboratzailea (dcterms:contributor)
Ereiten Kultur Zerbitzuak S.L.
Gunearen orriak
Ekonomia Kritikoa