Entrevista realitzada a Miren Etxezarreta, catedràtica d'Economia Aplicada de la UAB, sobre el 15-M. Forma part d'un conjunt d'entrevistes realitzades per l'OCS que pertany a l'Anuari del Conflicte Social de l'any 2011, el qual es publicarà l'abril de 2012.
Font: Observatori del Conflicte Social
More than 400 economists have declared that they support the general direction, main arguments and proposals of the EuroMemorandum 2010/2011 (see list of signatories).
Printed versions of the EuroMemorandum 2010/11 available
The EuroMemorandum Confronting the Crisis: Austerity or Solidarity is now available as booklet in English, French and German. To order printed versions, please contact transform!europe (for the English version), Espaces Marx for the French version (3 Euro) or Zeitschrift Sozialismus (7,20 Euro) for the German version.
This EuroMemorandum was formulated on the basis of discussions at the 16th workshop on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe, organised by the EuroMemo Group, on 24-26 September 2010 in Rethymnon, Greece. It was written by Wilfried Altzinger, Stephanie Blankenburg, Hermann Bömer, Trevor Evans, Marica Frangakis, John Grahl, Maria Karamessini, Jeremy Leaman, Dominique Plihon, Gunter Quaißer, David Vetterli, Diana Wehlau and Frieder Otto Wolf.
Soucer: EuroMemo